Sunday, April 09, 2006

I start my new job tomorrow. I am very excited. I just hope I get some sleep tonight. I work till 9:30 and I still have to dye my hair, do my nails, do laundry, hem pants, etc. tonight before I can go to bed. I have been so busy with mom and work, there hasn't been much time to get things done lately. Plus, I am not a morning person, so if I lack sleep on top of that, I may not make such a great first impression.

Everyone got together and signed a card for me at work. That was really nice. Two of the gals came in today on their day off to say goodbye. I will miss everyone cause they are all a nice bunch of people. It will be nice though to get paid more money at the new job. I can't seem to make it fast enough and it is already spent. We just got an unexpected bill for $200. Geeeeze!
How depressing is that?

Good to see we have some new bloggers to add to our lists! The more the merrier. Henry & April, hope you guys are getting settled in your new place. Hope you guys & Monica had fun this weekend.

Thanks for the surprise in the mail Brenda!!! I really appreciate it! That was really nice. I meant to call you on Friday, but one thing led to another and by then it was too late to call. I will try to call you some night this week after work.

Les, you guys look like you are having fun, as usual. You've got to show me how to add video clips sometime. My computer is not cooperating lately, so I've got to take care of that issue first. I am going to see if I can get a used laptop cheap, then maybe I can just use that instead.

I guess I am not allowed to use the computer at the new job for personal use, which is understandable. So, if anyone has my current work e-mail address, you can just get rid of it now. My home one is in case anyone doesn't already have it.

I will try to post again after I start the new job and let everyone know how things are going.


Lesley said...

Good luck tomorrow! I still get nervous/excited about first days, whether it's a new job, a new dayhome kid, first day of school for Joey....things always seem to be great though!

Blog U Say!!! said...

Hope all is going good for ya today. Good luck on the first day of your new job,

Brenda said...

Hope your first day went well. I'm glad you got the mail so soon. I thought I would get it started with my info. Now you can get everyone to send you there's and fill it up. I'm an early to bed, early to rise person so I it's ok if you dont get around to calling. I can always catch up on the blog.