Mom called me in tears cause she got was downstairs doing laundry one night when the power went off in her building. The elevator didn't work and it was late so there was no one around and there is no phone down there, so she got all worked up. She said she is going out to buy a cel phone. I told her that someone who finds microwaves and stove ovens too complicated to use at all (yes, she no longer uses her oven ...ever) may have a hard time with a cel phone. She insists she is going to buy one the next day. I explained how you have to usually pay $100 or more first and then sign up for a plan, which is usually at least a year. She was still going to get one anyways.
Instead, I gave her my old one to try out. So I get a call earlier today:
"Jenny, can I call you on the cel phone so I can get used to it?"
Sure Mom, no problem, but call my home number, not my cel.
"Which number is that?"
The number you just called me on three seconds ago Mom.
"OK, which number?"
633-5196 Mom.
"Wait a minute while I write that down"
Mom, you just called me on it. It is already written down by the phone. You call me every day, remember?
"Oh, this cel phone as me so confused" (she said, when we were both on land lines)
Ok I am going to hang up now. Call me back at home. Dial the number then hit the green send button, remember? (like we just went over last night and I wrote down on paper for her)
My cel phone starts ringing. Hello?
"What happened?"
You called me on my cel phone. That is fine but why didn't you call me on the home line?
"You told me to hit send then dial the number".
Mom, I told you to dial the number then hit send.
"Well it must be cause you have this thing programmed funny"
No Mom, if you hit send without dialing a number, then it redials the last number called. Why don't you hang up and try again? Call my home line.
My home phone starts ringing...Mom's home number comes up on the display.
Mom, how come you are not calling me on the cel phone (as I am laughing my face off)?
"Oh, I'm not?"
No, you are not.
"Oh this is way to complicated for me. It is got me all worked up. I better go lay down now".
OK (laughing my face off some more), you go lay down. You've had way to much excitement for one day.
"Love you (she's laughing to), kiss kiss, goodbye.....oh what do I press now?" (to herself on the LAND LINE) then beeeeepppp, beeeppp, beeeppp as she pushes buttons......."I'll never learn how to use this thing" ....FROM THE LAND LINE................LAUGHING MY ASS OFF NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to my Love ya Mom!!
Anyways, here are some new car pics, as requested by Berta. Cheers!
nice new car car...there seems to be lots of room in the "trunk" for Daisy and Paul...ha ha ha...
You rock girlfriend! I'm laughing my ass off too, Aaron's going to have to read this one!
Love your new wheels, tres cool!
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